Video Poker - A Realistic System For The Average Player

Playing video poker is fun, it is the most popular game in the casino, and there are two reason for this. Before we explore this, you should know that about 10% of the people actually win, how else can the casinos stay open 24/7. Lets explore how the average player can realistically win at video poker.
The popularity of this game is enormous, there are two reasons. The first is it's just you against the machine. Unlike real poker where you play against several other players, you only have to play against the machine. Second, the average video poker player thinks they have a good chance of winning because the casino tells them the odds are only slightly in the houses favor.
The Odds Favor The House
This is no big surprise, but it might surprise you to know how big the odds favor the casino.
Here is what your up against. The biggest hand, the royal flush, pays 4000 to 1, the odds in hitting the royal flush are 40,000 to 1. So you can see what kind of edge the casino has right from the start.
How Can The Average Person Win?
After playing thousands of hands of video poker here in Vegas, and watching how other people play, I can pass on two important keys for winning.
1. Leave your emotions at the door. Poker machines are designed to trap you, there designed to make you think your close to a winning hand. So what do you do? You do exactly what the casino wants you to do, take more money from your pocket and play some more, your close to winning, right?
2. Build a sixth sense. You can start to see patterns after you play a lot of hands. After playing several rounds of video poker you can build up a sense, at the very least, to know if a machine has a chance to pay.A�
The important thing to remember is, don't get trapped into an emotional battle with a machine. I see this over and over again as I observe the bad habits of people that lose. Just this factor alone will increase your chances of winning.
There are several other factors that the average player has to bring with them if they want to win at video poker. In most circles this is called a strategy...system. What this really is, is a set of rules for you to play by. Follow the rules and you will be way above the average player. The other factor for a good strategy is simplicity.A�
You read about all these other complicated systems which the average player can't do. Video poker is not complicated, you just have to learn how to overcome the big house odds.


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